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The Budget office has launched the new budget planning system - Spartan Financial Navigator. Click here for training material.

Welcome to the Office of Financial Planning and Budget


The Office of Planning and Budget provides operational leadership in the administration of the university’s budget for all colleges and departments. We design and maintain the framework to steward university resources in an effective manner that is aligned with the strategic mission and broader goals of the university.

Some key responsibilities include:

  • Lead the development of a $3.6B all-funds budget with a $1.68B GF budget [FY2024-2025]
  • Provide valued data analysis for the executive management and the Board of Trustees
  • Respond to information requests from the State of Michigan, federal government, and other agencies

Financial Planning and Budget Resources

Planning Analytics Overview

Financial planning and budgeting initiatives for the upcoming fiscal year start in the Fall with active engagement between Financial Planning and Budgets and various units including Administrative and Academic.  

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Budget Resources

Budget resources include training and planning analytics. All budget resources are housed within D2L.

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Budget Summit

Budget Summit materials for MSU employees (login required)

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Spartan Financial Navigator Training

Spartan Financial Navigator training videos and session transcripts (login required)

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Current Fiscal Year

Operating Budget

Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget (Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Operating Budget (PDF))

Includes General Fund, Designated Fund, Auxiliary Fund and Expendable Restricted Fund 

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